Monday 25 February 2013

Monday 18 February 2013

Origami gift boxes

Towers of boxes, ready to take gifts home in! I've used some sturdy paper for the white bottom box and some of my lovely gift wrap to make the lids. 

Here's a copy of the instructions - happy folding and creating! One word of warning, remember to make the lid larger at point 3 by not folding the edge all the way to the centre - on all 4 folds mind!


Alli x

Friday 15 February 2013

Courses 2013 - keep learning

There are still lots of exciting things to learn about in the craft world and I like nothing better than to receive a course as a gift.

I went to Heart Space Studios to do a fab free-machine embroidery course with textile artist Suzi Bancroft. She's a great teacher and her work really interests me. I love the way the threads are left on her work, as if the story is unfinished.

Copyright: Suzi Bancroft

I experimented with some scraps of fabric - one piece with raised pattern, which I cut into a heart shape, and stitched with various threads to connect and echo the pattern.

Here it is - still unfinished:

She introduced us to variegated threads - you get a more textured feel to the images, bit like highlights rather than one flat colour.

I had a play with them with this piece I made for a display. 

Keep stitching! Keep learning!

Love Alli x

Friday 1 February 2013

Shoe templates here!

Hi lovelies - if you've seen this display and fancy making a pair of these shoes, you can find templates for them all in this blog entry here. Send me photos of any you make!